Just about everyone who remembers progressive music before
Dream Theater was a thing could tell you what Operation: Mindcrime did for the genre as well as what it did for Queensryche’s
reputation. While the following release was the one that truly pushed the band
into the mainstream consciousness, this album paved the way for its success and
for the fortunes of many groups that sought to follow in its footsteps. But
with that said, there are several ingredients to Queensryche’s legendary concept
album that its imitators never got quite right and a few more that seemed to
have never crossed their minds…
While Queensryche has never been a band that stopped
experimenting with their sound, this album is their first that is completely
focused. While The Warning and Rage For Order respectively dealt with
contrasting styles and throwing every idea against the wall to see what sticks,
Operation: Mindcrime combines every
idea that they have had and condenses it down to a style that is distinctly
theirs. The speed runs on “Speak” and “The Needle Lies,” the epic “Suite Sister
Mary,” and the various interludes may be exceptions to the rule, but every song
on here operates on a steady formula of a mid-tempo pace, some well placed
riffs, and an incredibly catchy chorus.
The band dynamic has also seems to have undergone a few changes
with this release. Geoff Tate’s vocal prowess was originally the ace up
Queensryche’s sleeve, but the other band members have all stepped up in their
game. There are plenty of riffs that are just catchy as the chorus lines, the
production really brings out Eddie Jackson’s bass performance, Scott
Rockenfield throws out some nifty drum beats here and there, and they even let
the guy bring out some of his electronic influences on “Electric Requiem.” Also
worth noting is Pamela Moore’s performance as Sister Mary for she provides some
effective theatrics despite only appearing in the second half of a single song.
But what really makes this album stand out is the fact that
the band still hasn’t lost sight of the songwriting process. Despite having a
pretty lofty concept to handle and the interludes to spar with, no segment goes
on for too long and each song is an absolute classic that is just as enjoyable
on its own as is in context with the others.
With that to consider, the highlights will certainly depend
on the listener’s personal tastes. I’ve always found “Revolution Calling” and
“Breaking The Silence” to be the most emotionally stirring though the crossover
appeal of “I Don’t Believe In Love” is something that just can’t be ignored.
Even the interludes manage to be entertaining as “Anarchy-X” serves as a brief
but powerful prelude while “Electric Requiem” and “My Empty Room” make for
memorable set pieces.
Speaking of sets, the album’s concept of the trigger-happy
junkie who loses his way is one that cannot be ignored. While the Manchurian Candidate meets Romeo And Juliet plot may seem
simplistic at times, the themes of individual songs are what truly sell it as
each one has its own things to say about the needs for social revolution,
political and religious corruption, drugs, and relationships. You may not be
asking yourself who killed Mary at the album’s end but you may find yourself
quoting the political rhetoric on “Speak” and “Spreading The Disease” from time
to time…
A few bands like Kamelot and Savatage came close to
replicating the song-oriented story formula of Operation: Mindcrime, but it is a release that cannot be topped and
just might the greatest concept album that the heavy metal genre has to offer.
The story might be its biggest talking point but the songwriting and band
performances are what truly push it into an ethereal level. And whether you end
up listening to the whole thing or just downloading its singles, I think you
just might come out of it at the same level of satisfaction. Just don’t think
about the subsequent attempts to cash in on its success…
Current Highlights:
“Revolution Calling”
“Operation: Mindcrime”
“Breaking The Silence”
“I Don’t Believe In Love”
“Eyes Of A Stranger”
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